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Output Peripherals

4160 GraphicPrinter


4160 GraphicPrinter is a high-resolution printer/plotter that combinessuperior output performance with reliable, low-cost operation. With26,880 dots per square inch, 4160 produces sharp, high-contrast graphics;clear, precisely-formed characters; and virtually smooth curves.With a plot rate of 2300 dot rows per minute at a maximum plot width of13.5 inches, 4160 produces a detailed 8.5"x11" drawing (A-size) in about40 seconds, and an 11"x17" drawing (B-size) in approximately 75 seconds.For printing applications requiring high-resolution, correspondence-quality, and OCR characters, 4160 uses an 11 x 20 dot matrix that allowsfour dot rows for fully formed lower case descenders. Documents areproduced at a rate of 130 lines per minute.The patented electronic hammerbank technology of 4160 means fewermechanical parts for greater reliability. No special chemicals areneeded, so 4160 uses plain paper, not expensive treated stock. 4160needs no special environmental controls, so it can be installed whereverit is needed -- factories and warehouses, offices and laboratories,retail stores and supermarkets.

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

17500 Cartwright Rd International Headquarters
Irvine, CA 92713
Phone: (714) 863-1900
Fax: (714) 660-8682